Designed in


Besides the prototype home, the great passion of Neutra was, throughout his life, urbanism. In the autumn of 1959 gave a lecture entitled “Human Cities: is it practical art?”, Which outlined in detail the extent disagreed with the famous Louis H. Sullivan “form follows function.” Neutral said: “In general, our cities are not a success… The design of our artificial environment can not and should not be reduced to a simple formula utilitarian type as if it were something as static, rigid a cart behind a horse that runs in a dynamic ‘. Neutra noted that as the cities had expanded, the problem had only worsened the traffic, which had caused an “unreasonable and go back,” a waste of resources and destruction of the spirit of community.

“Rush City Reformed” was the contribution of cities Neutra utopian design. Designed by the end of the 1920s by Neutra and his young employees and apprentices, the city had showed ideas ranging from sympathy for the most marginalized groups of the big city, a microscopic scale, to the harshness of a totalitarian state, in macro.

Regardless of the scale, emphasizing mobility: although it was likely that their city was not ‘rushes’ (fast), it was equipped for speed. Streets, buildings, railway stations and airports, all resolutely shaded were delicately designed with his thick, soft pencil Siberian.

Aside from appearance, a more detailed reading of this huge project revealed its suitability as a prototype.
Neutra discussed how to meet the changing needs and space for families and groups of young or elderly, sometimes in blocks of flats high, but more often in homes of low-use categories such as “people who spend the night” (which working at night) or groups that need space “(referring to the families).

While these descriptions we are simpáticamente eccentric, it is that they were effective, since they show how their questions affecting both the form and the language. For example, rejected the use of the word “terminal” to refer to its airport and its railway stations, arguing that in a modern world, people are likely to continue its journey with a different means of transport instead of ” completion “there. The result was “Rush City Transfer.

Neutra, obviously, was not alone in creating utopias. ‘Ville Radieuse “of Le Corbusier and” Broadacres City “by Frank Lloyd Wright, are other examples known.


Neutral, arguing that their solution was based on actual conditions, “not on a rigid schedule abstract and theoretical.”

The result was very mixed: its prisons were more humane, with glass roofs, skylights, swimming pools and playgrounds, while their apartment buildings, with their implacable orthogonality, with a rectangular block after another, mile after mile, causing a cold. Concept

Neutral, arguing that their solution was based on actual conditions, “not on a rigid schedule abstract and theoretical.”

The result was very mixed: its prisons were more humane, with glass roofs, skylights, swimming pools and playgrounds, while their apartment buildings, with their implacable orthogonality, with a rectangular block after another, mile after mile, causing a cold.



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