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About this building
, designed by , is located at . It was .
If you want to learn more about the , don't hesitate to check the full article! Were you'll find a lot more information about it, including historical context, concept development, type of structure and materials used, and more.
File History
Upload Date and Time | Thumbnail | Uploaded by | Comments |
2017-01-15 at 12:28:40 |
![]() |
Guillermo |
About this photo
This photo was taken by on 2008:11:16 17:02:11. The image has been post-processed using V 101.20.00, so it's possible that the shapes and/or colors have been modified, although these changes are usually minor and meant to improve the quality of the photo.
The camera used by the author of this photo was BenQ DC T800 by BenQ Corporation, with a shutter speed of 1/400, a focal distance of 62/10 and an IOS of 80.
Image quaility
A shutter speed of 1/400 means the sensor was exposed for 0.0025 seconds. This is a low enough value to guaranty that the image is probably sharp, even if captured without a tripod or if it has moving objects in it.
An ISO of 80 means the lightning conditions this photo was taken under were probably quite good, most likely in the outdoors during the day or with the help of a tripod. A low ISO like this usually translates into a good image quality, without "noise" or other kind distortions.
Authorship and Copy Right
This image might be subject to copyright. Do not use it without written permission.
Make:BenQ Corporation
Model:BenQ DC T800
Exposure Time:1/400
F Number:43/10
I S O Speed Ratings:80
Date Time Original:2008:11:16 17:02:11
File Date Time:0
File Size:372284
File Type:2
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Sections Found:ANY_TAG, IFD0, EXIF
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Date Time:2008:11:16 17:02:11
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Date Time Digitized:2008:11:16 17:02:11
Components Configuration:
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Maker Note:AOC
User Comment:PL 0532 0573 PB 0416 0570 CL 0480 0566 t 0517 0422 CB 0415 0641 t 0446 0477 t 0452 0476 RH 0576 RL 0517 BH 0422 BL 0374 i 016 021 I 017 021 T 0 V 13.8 S 0 FR 999.00 WN 0000 WF 0000 m 0 V13.1y2323Y2594I1S000283G0168I0S001471G0200y0932Y1082I0S001844G0168T1045I1S000320G0080Y1269I1S000750G0168C000431C080 V 101.20.00R5466PM0013CM0182PO-0100PO-0100CO07000CO06719S0298Y0499R0508B0526SO0805YO1031RO0832BO1001F0950 V 101.20.00ST01DT05 R 0 D 0000 F 000 Z 00 D 00 O 0 T 0 F 0 S 0 S 0000 E +00.0 P 00 S 0000000 N 00 S 0000000 B 00 BV 0000 F 00 FV 0000 O 00 OV 0000 P 00000 M 00000 PN 0000 PF 0000 T 000000 S 0000 I 00 CN 0000 CF 0000 T 000000 S 0000 I 00 SN 0000 SF 0000 T 000000 S 0000 I 00 R 0000.000 SN 0000 SF 0000 T 000000 S 0000 I 00 R 0000.000 SN 0000 SF 0000 T 000000 S 0000 I 00 R 0000.000 NH 0000 NL 0000 DH 0000 DL 0000 Y 0000 00000000000B;0.00: CY 0000 L 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 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