Back to articleThis image is available in several sizes: 150x150 pixels, 500x231 pixels, 1024x473 pixels, 1920x887 pixels, or 5424x2506 pixels.
About this building
, designed by , is located at . It was .
If you want to learn more about the , don't hesitate to check the full article! Were you'll find a lot more information about it, including historical context, concept development, type of structure and materials used, and more.
About this photo
This photo was taken by WikiArquitectura on 2015:07:30 15:20:43. The image has been post-processed using 8.1.3, so it's possible that the shapes and/or colors have been modified, although these changes are usually minor and meant to improve the quality of the photo.
The camera used by the author of this photo was iPhone 5 by Apple, with a shutter speed of 1/120, a focal distance of 103/25 and an IOS of 2500.
Image quaility
A shutter speed of 1/120 means the sensor was exposed for 0.0083333333333333 seconds. This is a low enough value to guaranty that the image is probably sharp, even if captured without a tripod or if it has moving objects in it.
An ISO of 2500 means the lightning conditions this photo was taken in were probably poor. This might be a night or interior photo taken without a tripod and therefore it might have quite a lot of "noise", especially if zoomed in to 100%.
Authorship and Copy Right
If you want to use this photo you must know the author labeled it as: “WikiArquitectura - © All rights reserved”. We advise you to get written permission from the author before using it for any purpose.
Copyright:WikiArquitectura - © All rights reserved
Model:iPhone 5
Exposure Time:1/120
F Number:12/5
I S O Speed Ratings:2500
Date Time Original:2015:07:30 15:20:43
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Date Time:2015:10:10 11:53:08
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Date Time Digitized:2015:07:30 15:20:43
Components Configuration:
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Aperture Value:4845/1918
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Focal Length:103/25
Sub Sec Time Original:94
Flash Pix Version:0100
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Focal Length In35mm Film:33
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Undefined Tag:0x A433:Apple
Undefined Tag:0x A434:iPhone 5 back camera 4.12mm f/2.4
G P S Latitude Ref:N
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G P S Longitude:Array
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G P S Altitude:15653/522
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G P S Date Stamp:2015:07:30