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About this building
De Rotterdam, designed by OMA, Rem Koolhaas, is located at Rotterdam, Holland. It was designed in 1997 and built in 2009 - 2013.
It has a height of 150m, with a total count of 46 floors, 44 above ground, and 2 basements.
It is built on a 3.852m² lot with a total built-up area of 162.000m².
Other people involved in the desing and construction process of the De Rotterdam were:
- B+M as Technical Architect
- Kees van Casteren as Associate Architect
- Techniplan as Engineer
- Corsmit Raadgevende Ingenieurs as Structural Engineer
- DGMR Raadgevende Ingenieurs as Acoustic Engineer
- Arup, Ducks Scéno as Electrical Engineer
- Züblin,. Permasteelisa as Construction Company
- De Rotterdam CV, La Haya as Developer
If you want to learn more about the De Rotterdam, don't hesitate to check the full article! Were you'll find a lot more information about it, including historical context, concept development, type of structure and materials used, and more.