Convent of Sainte Marie Tourette

This along with other buildings, constructed entirely in concrete, marked the turning point towards brutalism that pervade the architecture of Le Corbusier from the 50s, with a strong poetic revealed in the game of volumes.
Since then the author abandons the rhetoric of the purist white and ascetic that had characterized his earlier work to adopt a mode characterized by the introduction of rough textures and strong that confer a strong material to their volumes. Concrete “laissez brut” now becomes the main protagonist of the architecture, and also gives its name to the trend.
Deployed in a rural context, the monastery is located in the southern town of Eveux Arbresle, 26 km from Lyon, France.
The landscape, the sky and passing clouds are seen moving and appropriate composition.
It is a building that needs to be spent on the social, where the formal program and can not be separated without losing its meaning. This is the case of the cloister, a fragment residual and difficult of access on the slope under the monastery and its counterpart on the cover, connecting earth and heaven: a faculty that can not be closed completely to travel, which emphasizes not the presence of God on earth but the barrier, in this case the human horizon, represented by the finest concrete wall that rises above the eye.
Le Corbusier used in this work its basic tenets of modern architecture (pilotis, garden terrace, open plan, in fenêtre longueur, facade free).
The set consists of the monastic church, cloister, chapter room, classrooms, library, dining room, kitchen and a hundred cells.
It is a system of beams, walls and columns of reinforced concrete.
The building is made entirely in concrete.