Back to articleThis image is available in several sizes: 205x205 pixels, 500x375 pixels, 768x576 pixels, 768x576 pixels, or 768x576 pixels.
About this building
, designed by , is located at . It was .
If you want to learn more about the , don't hesitate to check the full article! Were you'll find a lot more information about it, including historical context, concept development, type of structure and materials used, and more.
About this photo
This photo was taken by on 2004:04:13 18:31:16.
The camera used by the author of this photo was Canon PowerShot A75 by Canon, with a shutter speed of 1/1000, a focal distance of 173/32 and an IOS of .
Image quaility
A shutter speed of 1/1000 means the sensor was exposed for 0.001 seconds. This is a low enough value to guaranty that the image is probably sharp, even if captured without a tripod or if it has moving objects in it.
Authorship and Copy Right
This image might be subject to copyright. Do not use it without written permission.
Model:Canon PowerShot A75
Exposure Time:1/1000
F Number:40/10
I S O Speed Ratings:6
Date Time Original:2004:04:13 18:31:16
File Date Time:0
File Size:76635
File Type:2
Mime Type:image/jpeg
C O M P U T E D:Array
Date Time:2004:04:13 18:31:16
Y Cb Cr Positioning:1
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Exif_ I F D_ Pointer:144
Exif Version:0220
Date Time Digitized:2004:04:13 18:31:16
Components Configuration:
Compressed Bits Per Pixel:3/1
Shutter Speed Value:319/32
Aperture Value:128/32
Exposure Bias Value:0/3
Max Aperture Value:95/32
Metering Mode:5
Focal Length:173/32
Maker Note:
User Comment:
Flash Pix Version:0100
Color Space:1
Exif Image Width:2048
Exif Image Length:1536
Focal Plane X Resolution:2048000/208
Focal Plane Y Resolution:1536000/156
Focal Plane Resolution Unit:2
Sensing Method:2
File Source:
Custom Rendered:0
Exposure Mode:0
White Balance:0
Digital Zoom Ratio:2048/2048
Scene Capture Type:0
Mode Array:Array
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Image Info:Array
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Undefined Tag:0x0012:Array
Undefined Tag:0x0013:Array
Image Type:
Firmware Version:AA?@
Image Number:1212150
Owner Name:
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