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About this building
Dublin, designed by , is located at . It was .
If you want to learn more about the Dublin, don't hesitate to check the full article! Were you'll find a lot more information about it, including historical context, concept development, type of structure and materials used, and more.
File History
Upload Date and Time | Thumbnail | Uploaded by | Comments |
2017-07-02 at 10:47:31 | Maria de la Paz |
About this photo
A shutter speed of means the sensor was exposed for NAN seconds. This is a low enough value to guaranty that the image is probably sharp, even if captured without a tripod or if it has moving objects in it.
Authorship and Copy Right
This image might be subject to copyright. Do not use it without written permission.
Exposure Time:4
F Number:5
I S O Speed Ratings:6
Date Time Original:7
File Date Time:0
File Size:811781
File Type:2
Mime Type:image/jpeg
Sections Found:IFD0, APP12
C O M P U T E D:Array